Welcome to Wake Up High Five

Forget the rules, follow your frequency.

Discover an entire network of rebels, eager to support you.

We will create new professional networks.

We will hear stories from others who have stood in their truth.

We will meet up in person and give real-life hugs.

We will market our services and build a sustainable community.

We will learn from and support brands with integrity.

We will form evolutionary alliances.

We will be supported and loved.

We will shine our lights bright. 

We will find our power and be brave. 

We can do this, together.

We are a network of creatives who value liberty. We respect the choices of others, without judgment. We believe that creatives are essential to the revolution and know the strength in numbers. We believe in courage over cowardice and community over conformity. This space is for those who want to make the revolution look irresistible. 

We are marketers, photographers, designers, graphic artists, painters, and event planners. We hail from all over the world and are able to connect over a shared interest in creativity and freedom. 

Join us as we reclaim our power and connect with others who share the same desire for freedom of choice.

What can you expect?

Consider this space your online professional social club. Here is a list of some things you can expect to find here:

-Job offerings in your creative field

-Groups in your area and a way to connect with people locally

-Stories and experiences from other creative professionals

-A weekly newsletter with new opportunities and introductions

-A way to market your services and a FREE directory listing

-Online events and informational forums

-An opportunity to connect with professionals IRL (next year!)

-Info about new products and product discount codes from like-minded brands. 


A Big Thanks

For being the actual change and not just posting something on social media. We are paving the way towards a brighter future and are grateful that you're on this journey with us.